Ride Out The Storm: Protect Your Legal Rights In a Cycling Accident

Bike accidents can happen at any time. Fortunately for one the cyclist who somersaulted over his handlebars in this incredible accident at Byron Bay, he managed to walk away completely unscathed. However, this incident demonstrates that despite the best precautions, unpredictable factors such as unruly motorists, debris and faulty equipment can pose a hazard when you are cycling. You may not wish to think about accidents when you are enjoying the freedom of pedalling along the open road, but it is important to have an action plan in case the worst should happen.

Keep Your Head Together

When you take a tumble, you are dazed and confused. Under those circumstances, it is difficult to remember fine details, so it is best that your riding partner or team are aware of procedures that should be followed in an accident. Gather evidence at the scene even if you believe that you are uninjured as health issues are not always immediately evident. Here are some ways of collecting data that may be important later.

  • The accident at Byron Bay was captured by a camera mounted on the bicycle in front. This is an excellent way to record an incident.
  •  If there is no bike-cam, a mobile phone camera can be used to take photos which show the scene of the accident, bicycle damage and any visible injuries.
  • If your accident involved another vehicle, swap details with the rider or driver.
  • Ask your fellow riders or anyone else who witnessed the scene to make a report. The report can be hand-written, texted or even voice recorded. Many cycle clubs around the world have a mobile app in which you can record details of an accident.

After The Rush

After the adrenalin has settled and you appear to be unharmed, you should still remain calm and refrain from further activity. Here are the best ways to deal with the aftermath of an accident.

  • Take your bicycle home in a car. It will need to be checked for hairline fractures or other damage before you ride again.
  • Visit your GP and keep the medical report. Make sure that you have any follow-up X-rays or scans that he or she recommends.

Your bicycle club and a qualified accident lawyer can provide further advice if needed.  It may be possible for you to seek damages for loss of income, physical suffering and emotional trauma should you develop an ongoing medical condition. If you find yourself going for a bumpy ride after a cycling accident, consult a professional to explore your options for accident claims so that you can focus on your recovery rather than mounting medical costs.
