Top Things You Should Know About Getting A Divorce When You Haven’t Been Married Very Long

Some marriages last for many years, but it's not uncommon for couples to find they aren't right for one another after only being married for a short period of time. If this is a situation that you're in yourself, you and your spouse could be thinking about getting a divorce. You could be wondering if there is anything that you should know about getting a divorce when you have not been married for very long.

You May Be Required To Undergo Counselling

When a marriage is still fairly new, courts sometimes require couples to undergo counselling before they are allowed to get a divorce. This is typically done so that spouses can determine whether or not it's possible for them to reconcile their relationship. You may find that you and your spouse are able to work things out while you're in counselling, or you might find that you still want to proceed with your divorce. If the latter is true, then you may need to provide proof that you have undergone this counselling.

You'll Probably Be Required To Have A Separation Period

In many cases, you are required to be separated from your spouse for a certain period of time before you can actually file for divorce. Your divorce lawyer can tell you more about whether or not a separation is required and how long the separation has to be. They can also help you and your spouse draw up a separation agreement.

It's Important To Separate Your Belongings Properly

If you have not been married for very long, you might still have some possessions that you had before you met your spouse, and the same might be true for them, too. However, even in your relatively short marital union, you and your spouse might have saved money, purchased property and more. Many people are unsure of how they are going to separate their belongings when they get a divorce, and this might be something you're worried about as well. You could be worried about losing money or belongings that you had before you were married or that you might have worked hard for during your short marriage.

The best way to be sure that you don't lose things that are important to you and to be sure that everything is separated properly is to hire a divorce lawyer. Talk to them about what you and your spouse had separately when you got married and what you have now, and let them know about the possessions that are most important to you so they can help.

For more information, turn to a firm such as Peter J Griffin & Co.  
